Friday, 5 July 2013


1. The ______ of a system includes the program or instructions.
1) Hardware
2) Icon
3) Information
4) Software
5) None of these

2. In order to save a word document as a web page you need to?
1) Put the appropriate graphic and links on the document
2) Save the document in the simple text format
3) Use your web browser as an editor and save as URL
4) Save as HTML
5) None of these

3. Something which is easily understood instructions is said to be?
1) User friendly
2) Information
3) Word processing 
4) Icon
5) None of these

4. The copy command saves the data to which of the following?
1) The desktop
2) The clipboard
3) Microsoft word 
4) Paste
5) None of these

5. Arranging the data in a sequence is known as?
1) Classifying 
2) Searching
3) Sorting
4) Reproducing
5) None of these

6. Find the Mis-Matched pair ?
1) Chrome - Google
2) Opera - Opera Software
3) Internet Explorer - Microsoft
4) Safari - Net Scape Commu-nications
5) None of these

7. In order to save an existing document with a different name you need to?
1) Retype the document and give it a different name
2) Use the Save as command
3) Copy it to a new folder and then save
4) Use Windows Explorer to save
5) None of these

8. Which of the following is a graphics package?
1) Adobe page maker
2) Acrobat Reader
3) Microsoft word
4) Corel Draw
5) None of these

9. Plotter is very useful in applica-tions such as?
1) Computer aided design
2) Word processing
3) Financial accounting
4) Spell checking 
5) None

10. Data processing cycle consists of?
1) Input and output
2) Output and processing
3) Input, processing and output
4) Only input
5) None

11. 'MICR' technology used for clearance of cheques by banks refers to
1) Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
2) Magnetic Intelligence Chara-cter Recognition
3) Magnetic Information Cable Recognition
4) Magnetic Cable Recognition
5) None of these

12. All the information collected during database development is stored in a?
1) Repository
2) Data warehouse 
3) RAD
4) CASE 
5) None of these

13. ___ is a type of RAM that stores each bit of data in a separate capacitor within an integrated circuit making it an efficient way to store data in memory.
5) None of these

14. What is the symbol for attachments in yahoo mail :
1) Envelope
2) Letter A
3) Paper Clip
4) Pen
5) None of these

15. To cover files from a backup you perform________ option
1) Scan 
2) Move
3) Copy 
4) Restore
5) None of these

16. The internet began with the development of?
1) Ethernet 
2) Internet
4) Extranet

17. Select the odd man out
1) Interpreter 
2) Programmer
3) Operating system
4) Assembler 
5) Utility 

18. The number of pixels displayed on a screen is known as the screen?
1) Resolution
2) Color depth
3) Refresh rate
4) Viewing size
5) None of these

19. Name the certifying authority of digital signatures in banking and financial sector?
1) The IDRBT Certifying Auth-ority
2) Individual Banks
3) Reserve Bank of India
4) Indian Bank's Association
5) None of these

20. Firewall in parlance of computer science is a method of?
1) Stopping unauthorized access
2) Making network more secure against banking attempts
3) Filtering the data that is going out of the network and coming in the network.
4) All the above 
5) None

21. Encryption is used in computers to?
1) Protect data from unauthor-ized access
2) Protect data from damaging
3) Prevent the computer from unauthorized users
4) All the above
5) None

1) 4; 2) 4; 3) 1; 4) 2; 5) 3; 6) 4; 7) 2; 8) 4; 9) 1; 10) 3;
11) 1; 12) 2; 13) 1; 14) 3; 15) 4; 16) 5; 17) 2; 18) 1; 19) 1; 20) 4; 21) 1.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013


1. Which computer has been designed to be as compact as possible?
1) Mini
2) Super computer
3) Micro computer
4) Mainframe
5) None of the above

2. The symbols used in an assembly language are
1) Codes
2) Mnemonics
3) Assembler
4) Literals
5) All of the above

3. Portrait and Landscape are
1) Page Orientation
2) Paper Size
3) Page Layout
4) Margin type
5) All of the above

4.Any storage device added to a computer beyond the immediately usable main storage is known as
1) Floppy disk
2) Hard disk
3) Backing store
4) Punched card
5) Magnetic Tape

5. Which output device is used for translating information from a computer into pictorial form on paper
1) Mouse
2) Plotter
3) Touch panel
4) Card punch
5) Keyboard

6.A computer assisted method for the recording and analyzing of existing or hypothetical systems is
1) Data transmission
2) Data flow
3) Data capture
4) Data processing
5) Data validation

7. Which access method is used for obtaining a record from a cassette tape?
1) Direct
2) Sequential
3) Random

8. Find the ODD one.
2) Cobol
3) Fortran
4) Linux
5) ADA

9. The 2's compliment of a binary no. is obtained by its 1's compliment.
1) 0
2) 1
4) 12
5) 13

10. With respect to a network interface card, the term 10/100 refers to
1) protocol speed
2) a fiber speed
3) megabits per seconds
4) minimum and maximum server speed
5) data capacity

11. The terms "red book", "yellow book", and "orange book" refer to:
2) IDE
3) floppy drive technology
4) CD-ROM standards

12. In ROM BIOS, the acronym BIOS stands for:
1) Basic Intuitive Output Set
2) Basic Input Organizational System
3) Basic Input Output System
4) Basic Industry Operating System
5) Basic Input Output Set

13. Which DOS command will format a floppy disk and transfer the system files
1) SYS C: A:
2) SYS A:
5) SYS C:

14. Which command will be used to display file and directory names only, without size, date, and time information?
1) DIR/W
2) DIR A:
3) DIR/B
4) DIR/S
5) DIR

15. Which of the following is not a logical data-base structure?
1) tree
2) relational
3) network
4) chain
5) None of the above

16. Updating a database means
1) revising the file structure
2) reorganizing the database
3) modifying or adding record occurrences
4) Sorting
5) Indexing

17.Any and every command can be found on the
1) Drawing toolbar
2) Formatting toolbar
3) Standard toolbar
4) Menu bar
5) View toolbar

18. Which of the following should be used when you want to add a slide to an existing presentation?
1) File, add a new slide
2) Insert, new slide
3) File, open
4) File, new
5) None of the above

19. Which of the following items are examples of storage devices?
1) Floppy disks
2) CD-ROMs
3) Tape devices
4) Hard Disk
5) All of the above

20. The original ASCII code used .... bits of each byte, reserving that last bit for error checking
1) 5
2) 6
3) 7
4) 8
5) 16

21. Word length of a computer is measured in
1) Bytes
2) Millimeters
3) Meters
4) Bits
5) All the above

22. Which type of computers uses the 8-bit code called EBCDIC?
1) Minicomputers
2) Microcomputers
3) Mainframe computers
4) Super computer
5) Lap Tops

23. ATM terminals are example for
1) Smart Terminals
2) Intelligent terminals
3) Dumb terminals
4) Offline terminals
5) None of the above

24.A name or number used to identify a storage location is called
1) A byte
2) A record
3) An address
4) An instruction
5) All of above

25. The difference between memory and storage is that memory is .... and storage is .....
1) temporary, permanent
2) permanent, temporary
3) slow, fast
4) big, Small
5) None of the above

26. Offline device is
1) A device which is not  connected to CPU
2) A device which is connected to CPU
3) A direct access storage device
4) An I/O device
5) None of the above

27. Which of the following registers is used to keep track of address of the memory location where the next instruction is located?
1) Memory address register
2) Memory data register
3) Instruction register
4) Program counter
5) Flag Register

28. Which American Computer Company is called Big Blue?
1) Microsoft
2) Compaq Corp
3) IBM
4) Tandy Stevenson

29.A term associated with the comparison of processing speeds of different computer system is:
2) MPG
5) Bps

30. Daisy wheel printer is a type of
1) Matrix printer
2) Impact printer
3) Laser printer
4) Manual printer
5) Non impact printer

31. Serial access memories are useful in applications where
1) Data consists of numbers
2) Short access time is required
3) Each stored word is processed differently
4) Data naturally needs to flow in and out in a serial form
5) Data naturally needs to flow in
and out in a Random form

32. One of the main feature that distinguish microprocessors from micro-computers is
1) Words are usually larger in microprocessors
2) Words are shorter in microprocessors
3) Microprocessor does not contain I/O devices
4) Exactly the same as the machine cycle time
5) None of the above

33. Example of non-numeric data is..
1) Employee Name
2) Test score
3) Bank Account No.
4) Phone No
5) All the above

34. Numbers in table columns are usually...
1) right-aligned
2) left-aligned
3) justified
4) centered
5) None of the above

35. Most Web sites have a main page known as ........, which acts as a doorway to the rest of the Website pages.
1) search engine
2) home page
3) browser
4) URL
5) Domain

36.A software program that extends the capabilities of your browser in a specific way is known as
1) Plugin
2) Browser software
3) Cookies
4) Applets
5) None of the above

37. Internet is example of
1) LAN
2) MAN
3) WAN
4) SAN
5) CAN

38. ......... refers to maintaining and assuring the accuracy and consistency of data
1) Data redundancy
2) Data inconsistency
3) Data integrity
4) Data independence
5) All the above

39. ........... is a data model for describing a database in an abstract way
1) Data Flow Diagram
2) Flow chart
3) ER-Diagram
4) System chart
5) Network chart

40. Mechanism to protect private network from outside attack is
1) Firewall
2) Antivirus
3) Digital Signature
4) Formatting
5) Tunneling

41. The concept of electronic cash is execute payment by
1) Credit card
2) ATM card
3) Using computers over Network
4) Cheque
5) Debit card comes under the following model
1) B2B
2) B2C
3) C2C
4) C2B
5) None of the above

43. A device that forwards data packets from one network to another is called a
1) Bridge
2) Router
3) Gateway
4) Switch
5) Repeaters

44. Tool that is used to transfer data/ files among computers on the internet
1) FTP
2) TCP
3) Archie
4) Gopher
5) POP

45. ........... is the act of attempting to acquire information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details (and sometimes, indirectly, money) by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication
1) Spoofing
2) Hacking
3) Phishing
4) Whaling
5) None of the above

46.A huge collection of information arranged for quick retrieval by computer is known as a
1) Deep web
2) Search Engine
3) Data base
4) URL
5) All the above

47. When using Internet sources, asking whether the site is inwardfocused or outward - focused helps to determine
1) Expertise
2) Objectivity
3) Accuracy
4) Purpose
5) Functionality

48. Network Interface card address is known as
1) IP address
2) MAC address
3) FTP address
4) LAN address
5) System address

49. In keyboard modifier keys are
1) Alt, Shift, Ctrl
2) PgUP, Alt, Ctrl
3) Home, Alt, Ctrl
4) Del, End, Alt
5) Tab, End, Alt

50. ASCII value of ‘D’ is
1) 66
2) 68
3) 74
4) 65
5) 64

51. In SD memory cards SD stands for
1) Standard Digital
2) Secure Digital
3) Secondary
4) Standard Data
5) Secure Data

52. What is the short cut key to open the Open dialog box?
1) F12
2) Shift F12
3) Alt + F12
4) Ctrl + F12
5) F11


1-3, 2-2, 3-1, 4-3, 5-2, 6-2, 7-2, 8-4, 9-2, 10-3
11-4, 12-3, 13-3, 14-3, 15-4, 16-3, 17-4, 18-2, 19-5, 20-3
21-4, 22-3, 23-1, 24-3, 25-1, 26-1, 27-4, 28-3, 29-3, 30-2
31-4, 32-3, 33-1, 34-1, 35-2, 36-1, 37-3, 38-3, 39-3, 40-1
41-3, 42-2, 43-2, 44-1, 45-3, 46-3, 47-3,  48-2, 49-1 50-2, 51-2, 52-4.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013


1. To provide electronic circuits, first generation computers used
a) Vacuum tubes
b) Transistors
c) Integrated circuits
d) Large scale integrated circuits
e) None of these

2. In Ms word the key board short cut used for spelling and grammar check
a) F3 
b) F5 
c) F7
d) F9 
e) None of these

3. In Dos the primary name of a file can have a maximum of ..... characters
a) 10 
b) 8 
c) 12
d) 5 
e) None of these

4. The instruction of a program which is currently being executed are stored in
a) Secondary Storage Memory
b) Cache memory
c) Read Only Memory
d) RAM 
e) None of these

5. Prepare a presentation/ Slide show which application is commonly used
a) Photoshop 
b) Power point
c) Microsoft outlook 
d) MS Publisher
e) None of these

6. An Excel workbook is a collection of
a) Work books 
b) Worksheets
c) Charts 
d) tables
e) None of the above

7. When sending an email the ..... line describes the contents of message
a) TO 
b) Subject 
c) Content
d) CC 
e) None of these

8. The ....... also called the web contains billions of documents.
a) World wide Web 
c) Web Portal 
d) Domain
e) None of these

9. Most of the commonly available personal computers/Laptops have a keyboard popularly
known as
e) None of these

10. When you quickly press and release the left mouse button twice you are
a) Primary checking 
b) Pointing
c) Double clicking 
d) Selecting
e) None of these

11. The time it takes a device to locate data and instructions and make them available to the
CPU is known as
a) Clock speed 
b) processing cycle
c) CPU speed 
d) access time
e) None of these

12. How many options does a binary choice offer?
a) One 
b) Three 
c) Two
d) It depends on computer memory
e) None of these

13. The ...... allows you to access object and start programme
a) Default menu 
b) XP menu
c) Start Menu 
d) Stop menu
e) None of these

14. Spool is an acronym for
a) Simultaneous power on operation
b) Simultaneous print on operation
c) simultaneous peripheral operations on-line
d) All of these 
e) None of these

15. The purpose of the primary key in a database is to
a) Unlock the database
b) Provide a map of the data
c) uniquely identify a record
d) All of the above 
e) None of these

16. The most frequently used instruction of a computer program are likely to be fetched
a) The hard disk 
b) Cache memory
c) RAM 
d) Registers
e) None of these

17. Which of the following is NOT a type of broadband Internet connection?
a) Cable 
b) DSL 
c) Dial-up
d) Satellite 
e) None of these

18. It used a pictures(called icons) and menus displayed on the screen to send commands
to the Computer system
a) Command based user interface
b) GUI c) API
d) System utility 
e) None of these

19. These are specially designed computer chips reside inside other devices, such as
your car or electronic thermostat
a) Embedded Processors
b) Servers
c) Robotic computers
d) All of the above
e) None of these

20. TCP/ IP Network model consists ..... layers
a) TWO 
b) Seven 
c) Four
d) Eight 
e) None of these

21. ......... is a set of keywords, symbols, and system of rules for constructing statements by which humans can communicate the instructions to be executed by a computer
a) A computer program
b) A programming language
c) An assemble
d) Syntax
e) None of these

22. A hard copy of a document is .........
a) Printed on the printer
b) Stored on a floppy
c) Stored on a CD
d) All of these
e) None of these

23. Which of the following groups consist of only input devices?
a) Mouse, keyboard, monitor
b) Mouse, keyboard, printer
c) Mouse, keyboard, plotter
d) Mouse, keyboard, Scanner
e) None of these

24. ............ is the process of finding errors in software code
a) Compiling 
b) Testing
c) Running 
d) Debugging
e) None of these

25. Which of the following computer languages is a mathematically oriented languages used for scientific problems?
c) LISP 
e) None of these

26. Array is .........
a) Linear data structure
b) Non-linear structure
c) Complex data structure
d) Simple data structure
e) None of these

27 Which is the part of a computer that one can touch and feel?
a) Hardware
b) Software
c) Programs
d) Output
e) None of these

28. Storage that retains its data after the power is turned off is referred to as .........
a) Volatile memory
b) Non-volatile memory
c) Sequential memory
d) Direct storage
e) None of these

29. The name a user assigns to a document is called a (n)
a) File name 
b) Program
c) Record 
d) Data
e) None of these

30. In binary language, each letter, number or special character of alphabet is unique combination of ..........
a) Eight bytes
b) Eight kilobytes
c) Eight characters
d) Eight bits
e) None of these

31. How many margins are on a page?
a) Two 
b) Four 
c) Eight
d) One 
e) None of these

32. Nibble describes a bits combination of
a) 5 bits 
b) 6 bits 
c) 7 bits
d) 4 bits 
e) 16 bits

33. To centre a paragraph using short keys press ...........
a) CTRL + C 
b) CTRL + E 
c) CTRL + L
d) CTRL + R 
e) None of these

34. Which of the following types of tables constraints will prevent the entry of duplicate
a) Primary key 
b) Unique
c) Null 
d) Foreign key
e) None of these

35. What is the base of hexadecimal number system?
a) 2 
b) 8 
c) 16
d) 10 
e) 32

36. The basic goal of computer process is to convert data into ......
a) files 
b) tables
c) information 
d) graphics
e) None of these

37. Spot the odd one out amongst the following
c) DOS 
e) None of these

38. Demodulation is the process of
a) Converting digital signals to analogue
b) converting analog signal to digital
c) combining analog and digital
d) All of the above
e) None of these

39. Which of the following is called the smallest
addressable element in a display device
a) Dotlex 
b) Pixel 
c) Cell
d) Shell 
e) None of these

40. The most common type of floppy size is
a) 3 1/2 inch 
b) 5 1/4-inch
c) 4 3/4 inch 
d) 4 1/4 inch
e) None of these

41. One megabyte equals approximately
a) 1,000 bits 
b) 1,000 bytes
c) 1 million bytes 
d) 1 million bits
e) None of these

42. A program embedded in a semiconductor chip during their manufacture is called
a) human ware 
b) firmware
c) liveware 
d) software
e) None of these

43. The term gopher is related with
a) hardware 
b) firmware
c) internet searching 
d) none
e) None of these

44. A process known as ........ is used by large retailers to study trends.
a) data mining 
b) data selection
c) POS 
d) data conversion
e) None of these

45. Which of the following is the correct order of the four major functions of a computer?
a) Process , Output , Input , Storage
b) Input , Output, Process , Storage
c) Process ,Storage , Input,, Output
d) Input ,Process , Output , Storage
e) None of these

46. The steps and tasks needed to process data, such as responses to questions or clicking an icon, are called:
a) instructions.
b) the operating system.
c) application software.
d) the system unit.
e) None of these

47. Grouping and processing all of a firm's transactions at one time is called
a) a database management system
b) batch processing
c) a real-time system
d) an on-line system
e) None of these

48. Mobile Commerce is best described as
a) The use of Kiosks in marketing
b) Transporting products
c) Buying and selling goods/ services through wireless hand- held devices
d) Using notebook PC's in marketing
e) None of these

49. Collecting personal information and effectively posing as another individual is known as
a) spooling 
b) spoofing
c) Hacking 
d) identity theft
e) None of these

50. A web site address is a unique name that identifies a specific ............................ on the web
a) website 
b) web browser
c) Link 
d) PDA
e) None of these


1-a,  2-c,  3-b,  4-d,  5-d,  6-b,  7-b,  8-a,  9-a,  10-c
11-b,  12-c,  13-c,  14-c,  15-c,  16-b,  17-c,  18-b,  19-a,  20-c
21-b,  22-a,  23-d,  24-d,  25-a,  26-a,  27-a,  28-b,  29-a,  30-d
31-b,  32-d,  33-b,  34-d,  35-b,  36-c,  37-a,  38-b,  39-b,  40-a
41-c,  42-b,  43-c,  44-a,  45-d,  46-a,  47-b,  48-c,  49-d,  50-a.

Sunday, 26 May 2013


1. A (n) ____ program is one that is ready to run and does not need to be altered in any way.
1) Interpreter
2) High-level
3) Compiler 
5) Executable

2. Which of the following is true about URL?
1) It is a computer program
2) It is a type of Programming object
3) It is the address of a document or page on the World Wide Web
4) It is an acronym for Unlimited Resources for Listening
5) It is a piece of hardware

3. Universal Product Code (UPC) is a _
1) Scanner 
2) Hardware Equipment
3) Antivirus 
4) Graphics Adapter
5) Barcode system

4. Facsimile Transmission Machine is popularly known as: 
1) ATM 
3) Fax Machine 
4) Format Machine 
5) None

5. What is the significance of a faded/ dimmed command in a pull-down menu?
1) Screen becomes faded / dimmed if the command is selected 
2) The command is not accessible currently
3) A dialog box appears if the command is selected.
4) A help window appears if the command is selected. 
5) None 

6. The main folder on a storage device is called _____
1) Root Directory
2) Interface
3) Device driver
4) Platform
5) Main directory

7. To protect the computer from hacker intrusions, ____ must be installed.
1) Firewall
2) Mailer
3) Script
4) Yahoo Messenger
5) None of these

8. Which of the following is used to read handwritten or printed text to make a digital image that is stored in memory?
1) Printer 2) Laser beam
3) Scanner 4) Touchpad 5) None 

9. A program designed to destroy data on the computer which can travel to infect other computers is called a ____
1) Hurricane
2) Infector
3) Disease 
4) Virus 
5) None

10. Thesaurus option is available in ___ menu.
1) Page layout
2) References
3) Review 
4) View 
5) Layout

11. Which of the following is/ are the functions of operating system 
1) Memory Management
2) Access to I/O devices
3) Controlled Access to files
4) All the above 
5) None of these

12. The easiest way to select text is to left click the mouse and _____
1) Hold the Shift key
2) Hold the Ctrl key
3) Move the mouse
4) Drag Over the words you want to highlight 
5) None

13. Which part of the URL will specify the rules to be followed when accessing a file? 
1) http:// 
2) www
3) sbi 
4) .in 

14) Moving the page around to view all the pages in the document on the screen is referred to as: 
1) Surfing
2) Navigating
3) Hyperlink
4) Scrolling
5) Browsing

15 Which of the following is the short-cut key to close an active tab of a browser? 
1) Alt + F4
2) Ctrl + C
3) Ctrl + F4
4) Shift + C
5) Ctrl + W

1) 5; 2) 3; 3) 5; 4) 3; 5) 2; 6) 1
7) 1; 8) 3; 9) 4; 10) 3; 11) 4; 12) 4; 13) 1; 14) 4; 15) 5. 

Saturday, 2 March 2013


1. Process of finding/ correcting program errors is—
(A) Bugs (B) Debugging
(C) Hacking (D) Cracking
Ans : (B)

2. Diagnostic routines is a—

(A) Programs used to print error messages
(B) Indicates system problems and improper program instructions.
(C) Both A & B are true
(D) None of these
Ans : (C)

3. The term DBMS is referred to—

(A) Data Base Management system
(B) The software used for the management, maintenance and retrieval of the data stored in a data base
(C) A & B both true
(D) None of these
Ans : (C)

4. The speed at which data is transferred from the main memory to another medium on which data are recorded is referred as—

(A) Data transfer rate (B) Byte
(C) Buds (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

5. The time period during which a computer is malfunctioning or not operating correctly due to machine failures is referred as—

(A) Downtime (B) Uptime
(C) Runtime (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

6. EBCDIC is—
(A) 6-bit coding system (B) 7-bit coding system
(C) 8-bit coding system (D) 9-bit coding system
Ans : (C)

7. A data communication facility on which data can be transmitted in two directions is referred as—
(A) Duplex (B) Simplex
(C) Triplex (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

8. Electronic Mail /Message System (EMMS) best suits to—
(A) Postal service (B) Telephone service
(C) Telegraph service (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

9. Digital Computer is a computer—
(A) that works with discrete quantities (B) that works with analog quantities
(C) Both A & B (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

10. The subdivision of fields—
(A) always done to give the programmer greater flexibility
(B) dependent on programming language used
(C) never accomplished on fields containing numeric data
(D) all the above
Ans : (B)

11. The primary memory of a personal computer consists—
(A) ROM only (B) RAM only
(C) Both ROM and RAM (D) memory module
Ans : (C)

12. Microsoft Excel is?
(A) financial planning package (B) electronic spreadsheet
(C) graphics package (D) data-base management package
Ans : (B)

13. All the keys on the IBM PC keyboard repeat as long as one holds them down. These keys are known as?
(A) typematic keys (B) functional keys
(C) automatic keys (D) alphabetic keys
Ans : (A)

14. Distributed data processing configuration where all activities passes through a centrally located computer is—
(A) ring network (B) spider network
(C) hierarchical network (D) data control network
Ans : (B)

15. Communications device, combines transmissions from several devices into on line is ?
(A) concentrator (B) modifier
(C) multiplexer (D) full-duplex line
Ans : (C)

16. Data communications involving telegraph lines uses—
(A) simplex lines (B) wideband channels
(C) narrowband channels (D) Dialed service
Ans : (C)

17. A semiconductor memory which allows the eraser of the information stared in it so that new information can be stared in it is referred as—
(C) RAM (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

18. Extended ASCII uses—
(A) 8 bits for coding (B) 9 bits for coding
(C) 10 bits for coding (D) 11 bits for coding
Ans : (A)

19. A device used for transmission of images scanned at a transmitting point and duplicated at a receiving point is—
(A) Facsimile (FAX) (B) Telephone
(C) Photocopier (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

20. A data transmission medium made of tiny threads of glass or plastic that can transmit huge amount of information at the speed of light is—
(A) Fiber optic cable (B) Copper cable
(C) Twisted wire cable (D) None of these
Ans : (A)


1. Computer output which is displayed on the screen of a terminal without a permanent copy is called—
(A) Soft copy (B) Hard copy
(C) Hardware (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

2. A storage device or medium where the access time is dependent upon the location of the data is called—

(A) Serial access (B) Parallel access
(C) Null access (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

3. The set of computer programs, procedures, and associated documentation related to the effective operation of a computer system is referred as—

(A) Software (B) Hardware
(C) Hardcopy (D) Softcopy
Ans : (A)

4. An adder in which the bits of the operands are added one after another is called—

(A) Serial adder (B) Parallel adder
(C) Full adder (D) Half adder
Ans : (A)

5. A method of providing virtual memory—

(A) Segmentation (B) De-fragmentation
(C) Paging (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

6. A unit of a computer system that interprets instructions and executes them is known as—
(A) Processor (B) Storage
(C) Peripherals (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

7. A register in CPU used to store the address of the next instruction to be executed is known as—
(A) Program counter (B) Program library
(C) Programmer (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

8. One who designs, writes, tests and maintenance computer programs is called—
(A) Programmer (B) Operator
(C) User (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

9. Which of the following terms applies to communication between two computer systems?
(A) computer literacy (B) power supply
(C) applications software (D) connectivity
Ans : (D)

10. A memory in CPU that holds program instructions, input data, intermediate results and the output information produced during processing is—
(A) Secondary memory (B) Primary memory
(C) Auxiliary memory (D) None of these
Ans : (B)

11. In Broadband system a network system—
(A) Several analog signals share the same physical network channel.
(B) Only digital signals share the same physical network channel.
(C) Single analog signals share the same physical network channel.
(D) None of these.
Ans : (A)

12. Bit stands for—
(A) binary digit (B) one binary piece of information
(C) Both A and B are true (D) None is true
Ans : (C)

13. Broadband channel is the—
(A) The fastest carriers where data transfer rates is of 1 million baud (bits/secon(D) or more.
(B) The slower carriers where data transfer rates is of 56k baud
(C) Musical channel
(D) None of these
Ans : (A)

14. BLOB is—
(A) Binary Large Object (B) A long bit string representing complex data
(C) Object oriented language (D) Only A & B are true
Ans : (D)

15. A group of related items / section of program coding treated as a unit is referred as—
(A) Block (B) Duplex
(C) Street (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

16. Following is false for BASIC—
(A) Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
(B) High-level interactive programming language
(C) Works in timesharing environment
(D) Low level object oriented language
Ans : (D)

17. A unit for measuring data transmission speed that describes the capacity of a carrier is referred as—
(A) Baud (B) Bit
(C) Bond (D) Batch
Ans : (A)

18. A process of trying out a new product by independent users before it is finally manufactured/ developed—
(A) Alpha test (B) Beta Test
(C) Gamma test (D) None of these
Ans : (B)

19. A selection, choice, or condition involving two possibilities is referred as—
(A) Unary (B) Binary
(C) Octal (D) None of these
Ans : (B)

20. Base band System is—
(A) A networking system (B) Where the channel support. a single digital signal.
(C) Both A & B true (D) None is true
Ans : (C)


1. Constant is a value written into a program instruction—
(A) that does not change during the execution of the program
(B) that can change during the execution of the program
C) that can vary during the execution of the program
(D) none of these
Ans : (A)

2. A removable direct-access storage medium containing multiple magnetic disks mounted vertically on a single-shaft is referred as—

(A) Tape pack (B) Disk pack
(C) Cylinder (D) None of these
Ans : (B)

3. Diskette is a—

(A) A low-cost, thin flexible magnetic disk storage device
(B) High volume storage device
(C) Primary storage device
(D) None of these
Ans : (A)

4. An optical input device that is used to read documents printed in a special type font is known as—

(A) Document reader (B) Documentation
(C) Printer (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

5. For checking spelling one uses—

(A) Dictionary Disk (B) Index disk
(C) Directory (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

6. APL is—
(A) A high level language for specifying complex algorithms.
(B) A real-time language primarily for scientific applications.
(C) Only A is true
(D) Both A & B true
Ans : (D)

7. The overall design, construction, organization and interconnecting of the various components of a computer system is referred as—
(A) Computer Architecture (B) Computer Flow chart
(C) Computer Algorithm (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

8. Asynchronous communication is—
(A) Communication between independently operating units
(B) Communication between dependent operating units
(C) Communication between independent and dependent operating units
(D) None of these
Ans : (A)

9. Audio response is—
(A) output medium
(B) produces verbal responses from the computer system
(C) Both A & B true
(D) None is true
Ans : (C)

10. Automated Office refers to the merger of …………… in an office environment.
(A) Computers (B) office
(C) telecommunications (D) All the above
Ans : (D)

11. Technique of placing software/programs in a ROM semiconductor chip is called—
(C) firm ware (D) microprocessor
Ans : (C)

12. Following is not true for magnetic tape ?
(A) low cost (B) direct-access storage medium
(C) compact and portable (D) highly reliable
Ans : (B)

13. The following is an nonvolatile memory?
Ans : (A)

14. The……………can be programmed one time by either the manufacturer or the computer user. Once programmed, it cannot be modified.
Ans : (C)

15. Which of the following is not true of a magnetic disk?
(A) Users can update records by writing over the old data
(B) It provides sequential access to stored data
(C) It is slow relative to magnetic tape
(D) All of the above are true
Ans : (B)

16. A term used for diskette is—
(A) disk cartridge (B) disk pack
(C) floppy disk (D) none of these
Ans : (C)

17. Following is true for the digital computer?
(A) Information is in form of a string of binary digits
(B) It can be used as analog processor
(C) It is less accurate than the analog computer
(D) None of these.
Ans : (A)

18. Comparing with secondary storage, primary storage is—
(A) slow and inexpensive (B) fast and inexpensive
(C) fast and expensive (D) slow and expensive
Ans : (C)

19. CPU performs read/write operations at any point in time in—
Ans : (C)

20. Following is not the from of secondary storage—
(A) magnetic tape (B) CD’s
(C) Disk (D) Hard disk
Ans : (D)

Wednesday, 21 November 2012


1. Which of the following is a disadvantage of machine language?
1) Machine Dependent
2) Slower Execution
3) Machine Independent
4) It requires Translation
5) None of these

2. Android Operating system is an example of which kind of Source Model?
1) Open Source
2) Vertical Market Software
3) Horizontal Market Software
4) Shareware
5) None of these

3. Cache memory is an example of which of the following?
1) Virtual Memory
2) Non Volatile Memory
3) Static Random Access Memory
4) Secondary Memory
5) None of these

4. A software that is not protected by copyright or trademark is ......
1) Vertical Market Software
2) Public Domain Software
3) Shareware Software
4) Trialware
5) Adware

5. Which of the following programming languages is associated with Artificial Intelligence?
1) C
2) B
3) C++

6. AltaVista is a(n)
1) Windows Utility
2) Search engine
3) Program
4) Antivirus
5) None of these

7. The term Hard copy is related to:
1) Storing data on Hard Disk
2) Output displayed on Monitor
3) Scanned Image
4) Printouts
5) None of the above

8. MIME is an acronym for ....
1) Multiprogramming Internet Mail Extension
2) Multicasting Internet Mail Extension
3) Multiple Internet Mail Extension
4) Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
5) None of these

9. Any crime that involves a Computer and a Network is called:
1) Virus
2) Malware
3) Trojan Horse
4) Cyber crime
5) Identity Theft

10. Which of the following generation computers is referred to an expert system?
1) 2nd
2) 1st
3) 4th
4) 3rd
5) 5th

Wednesday, 7 November 2012


1. The Title and Page number of a document can be displayed using which of the following options?
1) Insert table
2) Spelling and Grammar
3) Header and Footer
4) Thesaurus
5) File

2. Which of the following is the advantage of Assembly language over Machine language?
1) Easy to use
2) Easy to understand
3) Easy to modify
4) Only 1 and 3
5) All the above

3. Pop-ups are a form of ..... on the World Wide Web?
1) Instant Messaging
2) Search Engines
3) Browsers
4) Mark-up Languages
5) Online Advertising

4. Which of the following is not used to align text in a document?
1) Left
2) Right
3) Center
4) Diagonal
5) Justify

5. Which of the following characteristics is/are used to compute the results from excel data?
1) Goto
2) Table
3) Diagram
4) Formula and Function
5) None of these

6. ....... is a combination of text, audio, still images, animation, video.
1) Multiplexer
2) Multiplier
3) Multimedia
4) Multiuser
5) None of these

7. Which of the following refers to the process of trading goods over the internet?
1) E-seva
2) E-Trading
3) E-Finance
4) E-Sales
5) E-Commerce

8. Multiple autonomous computers communicating through a computer network to achieve a common goal is called .......
1) Centralized Computing
2) Co-operative Computing
3) Distributed Computing
4) Connected Computing
5) None of these

9. In order to change page margins in a word document:
1) Drag the scroll box on the scroll bars.
2) Delete the margin boundaries on the ruler
3) Right Click on the ruler
4) Drag the margin boundaries on the ruler
5) None of these

10. USB 3.0 is the second major revision of the Universal Serial Bus standard for Computer Connectivity. Which of the following is true about USB 3.0?
1) It is more than 10 times as fast as USB 2.0
2) Its Data transfer rate is up to 5 Gbits/sec
3) Power consumption is less than USB 2.0
4) All the above
5) None of the above