Computer Knowledge is highly scoring section in IBPS POs and RRB (Regional Rural Banks) Examinations. All the questions will be from well known concepts such as Computer Terminology, Basic Computer Architecture, Internet, MS-Office, E-Commerce, Computer Network etc. The questions may be theoretical and also require knowledge of facts and application.
Monday, 26 September 2011
1. ______Is the most widely used medium for telecommunications
a) Twisted Pair
b) Coaxial Cable
c) Optical Fiber
d) None
2. ______Is widely used medium of communication for cable television systems
a) Twisted Pair
b) Coaxial Cable
c) Optical fiber
d) None
3. ______Cable consists of one or more filaments of glass fiber wrapped in protective layers that carries data by means of pulses of light
a) Twisted Pair
b) Coaxial Cable
c) Optical fiber
d) None
4. ______Is a computer network used for communications among computers and different inform-ation technological devices close to one person
a) Personal Area Network
b) Local Area Network
c) Metropolitan Area Network
d) Wide Area Network
5. ______Is a collection of concep-tual tools for describing data, data relationships, data semantics and constraints
a) Data base
b) Data Model
c) E_R Model
d) None
6. Association among two or more entities called
a) Entity
b) Entity set
c) Relationship
d) Degree of relation
7. DDL stands for
a) Data Definition Language
b) Data Delete Language
c) Data Device Language
d) Database Definition Language
8. SDL stands for
a) Storage Definition Language
b) Save Definition Language
c) Storage Database Language
d) Shortcut Definition Language
9. DML stands for
a) Date Manipulation Language
b) Database Manipulation Language
c) Data Manuscript Language
d) Data Manipulation Language
10. ____Is the language that enable user to access or manipulate data as organized by appropriate data model
a) DML
b) SDL
c) DDL
d) All of the above
11. ____Is the language to specify the internal schema. (This language may specify the mapping between two schemas)
a) DML
b) SDL
c) DDL
d) None of the above
12. All candidate keys excluding the primary key are known as
a) Compound key
b) Partial key
c) Alternative key
d) None of the above
13. The user commands that are used to interact with a database is called as
a) Query
b) Interaction
c) Command
d) Instruction
14. The updates that are applied to database before it becomes effective in real world
a) Retroactive update
b) Proactive update
c) Simultaneous update
d) All of the above
15. The updates that are applied to database after it becomes effective in real world
a) Retroactive update
b) Proactive update
c) Simultaneous update
d) All of the above
16. The updates that are applied to database at the same time when it becomes effective in real world?
a) Retroactive update
b) Proactive update
c) Simultaneous update
d) All of the above
17. Match the following (select the test by using the key board)
a) A word from its beginning to its end
b) A paragraph from its begging to its end
c) The entire document
a) a-3,b-1,c-2
b) a-3,b-2,c-3
c) a-3,b-2,c-1
d) a-2,b-3,c-1
18. Match the following (Move through your document)
a) One character to the left
b) One character to the right
c) One word to the left
d) One word to the right
a) a-4,b-3,c-2,d-1
b) a-4,b-2,c-3,d-1
c) a-1,b-3,c-4,d-2
d) a-2,b-1,c-3,d-4
19. Match the following (To move)
a) One paragraph down
b) To the beginning of a document
c) To the end of a document
d) Up one screen at a line
e) Down one screen at a time
a) a-5,b-3,c-1,d-4,e-2
b) a-4,b-3,c-2,d-5,e-1
c) a-3,b-4,c-1,d-5,e-2
d) a-4,b-3,c-1,d-5,e-2
20. In a word document Red underline indicates
a) Possible spelling error/word doesn't recognize a word
b) Word thinks that grammar should be revised
c) A word is spelled correctly, but does not seem to be the correct word sentence
d) All of the above
21. In a word document Green underline indicates
a) Possible spelling error/word doesn't recognize a word
b) Word thinks that grammar should be revised
c) A word is spelled correctly, but does not seem to be the correct word sentence
d) All of the above
22. In a word document Blue underline indicates?
a) Possible spelling error/word doesn't recognize a word
b) Word thinks that grammar should be revised
c) A word is spelled correctly, but does not seem to be the correct word sentence
d) All of the above
23. By default the Microsoft word document will be saved into a folder called
a) Desktop
b) My documents
c) D drive
d) Personal folder
24. What is the default file name for the word document?
a) Taken from the text at the start of the document
b) Word document
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
25. In word-2010____is the key to see numbers and letters displayed over icons, tabs or commands towards the top of your screen?
a) Ctrl key
b) Tab key
c) Alt key
d) None of the above
26. ____ Is the keyboard shortcut key to close the word program
a) Alt+F4
b) Alt+F5
c) Alt+F6
d) Alt+F7
27. How will you remove all formatting added to your documents (such as bold, italics, and underline etc.)
a) Save
b) Save as plain text file
c) Save as
d) All of the above
28. _____Is the file format we can use to distribute the document to some one using totally different word processing program from a different software manufacturer, such as word perfect
a) Word document (.doc)
b) Rich Text Format (.RTF)
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
29. _____Is the Icon to magnify or reduce the display
a) Print layout
b) Zoom
c) View
d) All of the above
30. Match the following
a) Cut 1. CTRL+C
b) Copy 2. CTRL+V
c) Paste 3. CTRL+X
a) a-1, b-3, c-2
b) a-2, b-1, c-3
c) a-3, b-1, c-2
d) a-3, b-2, c-1
31. What is text formatting?
a) Formatting characters and words with in a document
b) Saving the word document
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
32. By default MS-Word 2010 uses a font called
a) Arial
b) Times New roman
c) Tahoma
d) Caliber
33. Superscript refers to____
a) Characters displayed below the line of the normal text
b) Characters displayed above the line of the normal text
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None
34. Subscript refers to ___
a) Characters displayed below the line of the normal text
b) Characters displayed above the line of the normal text
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None
35. (a+b)2 is an example for ----
a) Subscript
b) Superscript
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None
36. CO2 is an example for ---
a) Subscript
b) Superscript
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None
37. You need to find a particular word or phrase and replace this item with alternative text, what is the keyboard shortcut key
a) Ctrl+G
b) Ctrl+P
c) Ctrl+H
d) Ctrl+F
38. _____Is the path to create Header/Footer
a) Insert/Header & Footer
b) File/Header & Footer
c) Edit/Header & Footer
d) None of the above
39. __ Is the path to create footnotes
a) References/footnote
b) Insert/footnote
c) Edit/footnote
d) None
40. _____ Is the path to save a document in PDF format
a) Edit/Save as/PDF/Save
b) File/Save as/PDF/Save
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
1) a 2) b 3) c 4) a 5) b 6) c 7) a 8) a 9) d 10) a 11) b 12) c 13) a 14) b 15) a 16) c 17) a 18) a 19) d 20) a 21) b 22) c 23) b 24) a 25) c 26) a 27) b 28) b 29) b 30) c 31) a 32) d 33) b 34) a 35) b 36) a 37) c 38) a 39) a 40) b
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